Curious about what a Restorative Justice Peer Conference (formally known as “Peer Jury” at Alternatives, Inc.) case might look like in a CPS school? Check out this youth-written blog post, put together by Mario,  one of our 2011-12 Peer Jurors at Foreman High School:

“At Foreman High School, a typical Peer Jury case looks like this: there are about three to four Peer Jurors (students who are trained to hear cases), an adult supervisor, and whoever has been referred to us. It may also include others who have been affected by the incident, like the teacher who referred the case.


Foreman High School, in Chicago

We sit in a circle so everyone feels equal and comfortable. Then we do an introduction to introduce ourselves, what we do, and explain the rules. Next, we have a paper we all sign called an Oath of Confidentiality, stating that what is said in the room, stays in the room.

We, the Jurors, ask questions and then talk about alternative actions that could have been taken, relate to the situation, and find ways to solve the problem. We understand each other because we are each other’s peers. Then we make a written agreement with the referred student, stating what he/she plans to do to fix things, and one of the Jurors follows up to make sure things went according to plan.”

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