We’re off to a good start in the RJ office at Senn High School!

After several busy weeks of recruitment (during which we relied heavily on our amazing student leaders to work their outreach-magic and bring in friends and classmates), we held an in-school field trip training on Peer Conferences. During the training, new and returning members honed conflict resolution skills such as active listening, asking non-judgmental questions, building empathy, and working towards restorative solutions!

When asked what they liked most about the training, some of the students responded: “I liked the activities and the peace circles [mock cases] that we did at the end of the training,” and “I liked how everyone was comfortable talking to each other and respect[ed] each other[s] opinion.”

We are so excited for the 2013-2014 RJ Peace Ambassadors to begin hearing cases at Senn!  (And while we’re never excited about school-based conflict, we’ll be happy to receive referrals!)

Up next: Wednesday, Oct 16 is Uplift High School’s student Peer Conference training!

Senn student Peace Ambassadors sign the pledge to help resolve conflict at school!

Senn student Peace Ambassadors sign the pledge to help resolve conflict at school!

If you'd like to learn more about the fellowship and how to apply, sign up for one of our info sessions!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023 4:30 PM

Tuesday, October 24, 2023 4:30 PM


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