April 29 – 5:30 p.m. With the release of new data from the Chicago Public Schools in February, we learned that during the last school year, 307 students were kicked out of charter schools, which have a total enrollment of about 50,000. In district-run schools, there were 182 kids expelled out of a student body of more than 353,000. We also learned that African-American students face a higher rate of disciplinary action in the district. Last school year, approximately 75 percent of all suspensions were handed to African-Americans, a group that makes up about 41 percent of CPS’ student body. (Suspended students are allowed to return to school, as opposed to students who are expelled.) Chicago Public Schools has decided to focus on reducing the use of harsh disciplinary policies and to that end has developed a “suspension and expulsion reduction plan.” CPS is seeking community input on how to best address school discipline issues. Project NIA is partnering with CPS to organize a regional forum about school discipline on Tuesday April 29 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Alternatives Inc. is hosting us for the evening at 4730 N. Sheridan Road. Please join us for the forum. Food will be provided. Please register here (especially if you need child care at the event): https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CPSForum Details about the event can be found here: http://niastories.wordpress.com/2014/04/22/april-29-join-cps-and-project-nia-to-discuss-school-discipline/ Check out this flier: CPS School Discipline Summit – April 29th SERP Flyer 04292014

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