What I Call Home by Shannon

Puerto Rican and Dominican descent I could say
Or perhaps I could utter American
From a not so safe neighborhood before I was two
That changed when I was a toddler
Lived in the same building for more than ten years
And still live there now
This is my home, where I’m from
My friends are where I belong, I can jaw
But maybe I could put forth, it’s my family
Kept some old friends from the past
But made some new ones too
Relatives who support me all the time
And continue to
This is my home, where I’m from
My experiences made my personality, I could verbalize
However, I could voice it the other way around
Outgoing and bored I joined programs and activities
Science First then Digital Connectors
Taking a risk was really worth it
And I’ll continue to do that
This is my home, where I’m from
Put up for adoption as a baby, I could lip
Although, I could affirm it was meant to be
A stranger of the same blood, my birth mother
Shall meet her someday
But I feel that I belong
And I continue to blend in the painting
This is my home, where I’m from
Joined a group of people at school, I could add
Maybe call them my second family, appreciate them
Swim team motivated me, changed me, made me happy
The meets were nerve-wracking
But my awesome coach encouraged me
Continue to practice and improve
This is my home, where I’m from
Discovered a hidden talent, I could recite
Or perhaps developed it over time
Play acoustic guitar, ukulele and piano on my own time
Made my own songs for fun. Play recorder for school
Instruments closer to my heart, but I have a singing voice too
This is my home, where I come from
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